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Monday, August 31, 2009

What This is All About


This is the first post of my new blog. It'll just explain what this blog is about and stuff.

To start off, I love to write, and do it a lot. I have a big imagination and love to make it real in the form of books.

I'm writing this blog for the purpose of me one day becoming an author.

It'll talk little about my FanFics. Mostly, it'll be about my actual books that I hope to get published. If any published author's ever read this, I would love to get some tips or links to editors, agents, or publishers!

Inspiratipon comes to me weirdly. I could be watching a show about cats and get an idea about spys or prophecies. But I love it when it does come.

I always have the urge to write, but sometimes the words just don't come. That's the worst feeling.

I currently have a total of 15 ideas for books. It's a lot, I know, but some of them are really good.

I don't know when I'll update this, but I promise I will. I'll talk and tell you more soon. So, later!